Tag: <span>wollmeise</span>

Socktoberfest wrap-up

As promised, here’s the run down of the socks I knit during the month of October.

DSC_6369 Thrilling Jaywalkers
Pattern: Jaywalker
Designer: Grumperina
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Thriller”
Ravelry Project Link
Still my favorite out of them all.   The yarn has already proven to wear like iron and the socks are comfortable too.   And, the colors are just so Halloween, you’ve gotta love it.
DSC_6353 Mystery Sock
Pattern: Mystery Sock  ’09
Designer: Kristen Kapur
Needles: US  2 (2.75mm)
Yarn: BMFA Socks That Rock Lightweight in, “Scum Bubble”
Ravelry Project Link
This is the first mystery sock knit-along I’ve participated in and it was a ton of fun.   I’d feverishly knit each new clue the day it was released, giving me time to knit other things during the week (you know, like, more socks).   The colorway is SO awesome and I’m happy with how it worked in the pattern as well.   Yum.   Scummy socks.   Love it.
DSC_6415 Diamond Rib Lace Sock
Pattern: Diamond Rib Lace Sock
Designer: Kathleen Taylor
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Twisted Fiber Art Kabam! in, “Minstrel”
Ravelry Project Link
Isn’t that dye job incredible?   Gotta hand it to Meg, she’s just a genius.   The sock pattern was originally meant to be a child’s sock, but with a small amount of tweaking, it sized up very easily to an adult’s sock!   And, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that zig-zag eyelet running down the leg as well as the cuff.
DSC_6112 Make-Up Sox
Pattern: Make-up Sox
Designer: Kristen Kapur
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: dkKnits Technicolor Bounce in, “Teacher Teak”
Ravelry Project Link
These are toe-up which isn’t really a favorite of mine to knit, but the pattern is really so gorgeous (and the name so cute) that I really couldn’t leave them out.   The yarn is just the perfect color and SO cozy – it’s a great match!

October Knitting Wrap-up

It’s that time once again.   This month absolutely FLEW by, so it’s time once again to update progress on my knitting resolutions.

3. Knit one pair of socks per month

DSC_6369 Thrilling Jaywalkers
Pattern: Jaywalker
Designer: Grumperina
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Thriller”
Ravelry Project Link
This project is part of Socktoberfest, a celebration of knitting socks in October.   I managed to knit up four whole pairs of socks for Socktoberfest, but these are definitely my favorites.   Squishy and BRIGHT, plus the colors are just perfect for Halloween.   These are modeled by Abbie at the Fonthill Castle.

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
This just didn’t happen.   I maybe got in about an ounce, but I spent the whole month knitting socks and really doing nothing much else.

That’s really it for the knitting resolutions this month.   I’ll put together a post later this week going over all the Socktoberfest knitting!

Leafy Socks


Finally!  These were an intense knit.  I had to sit in front of the chart and keep careful watch over my knitting.  Granted, it paid off BIG TIME since they’re really pretty.  The pattern is toe up and reinforces my dislike of knitting toe up socks – I can do it, but I really prefer the cuff down method.  These do have a heel flap and gusset and all the trimmings of a cuff-down sock which I’m much happier with than the typical short row heel and toe.  Kelly Porpiglia wrote an awesome pattern and it was super easy to follow.  The only hold up here was me and my toe up bias.  The yarn is Wollmeise 100% superwash and was part of the September 2008 sock club delivery.

Pattern: Interlocking Leaves
Designer:  Kelly Porpiglia
Needles: US 1 (2.5 mm)
Yarn:  Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Buxkranzl”
Ravelry Project Link