2009 is over and gone, and I’m going to check through my list and see how I’ve done.
1. Clear the WIP queue from last year by the end of the month.
There’s still one outstanding WIP from 2008 in my queue, but otherwise, I did pretty well on the clean-up! We’ll consider this one not complete, but close, right?
2. Knit two sweaters this year.
I got one! I blogged about that one here, and got a good start on the second one, but haven’t yet finished it. Hopefully soon.
3. Knit one pair of socks per month.
Oh boy did I EVER do this one. And I think I deserve a HUGE GOLD STAR. Because I’m awesome.

I knitted a few socks this year. Here are my official 12 per the year, but the total count is 19 pairs *finished* this year (some were started in 2008). The links below are to flickr and the original post on my blog.
4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
I might not have gotten them all in on the right month, but here we have it! Some of those are 8 ounces, so I don’t have 12 photos, but there are more than enough ounces to count at least four for every month of the year. Yes, I realize October is missing, but there are two entries for March, so the math works out in the end, yes? Yes.

5. Dye more yarn and roving.
Oh yeah. Did that. Hosted a dye-day at my house with the local Stitch n’ Bitch and it was super fun.
6. Knit at least one pair of stranded socks.
Nope. Not even a little. I really over-extended myself this past year.
7. Finish holiday gift knitting throughout the year instead of all at once in December!
I guess I got this one? Sorta cheated since I only did one item for one person. It’s so hard knitting gifts when there are five sisters-in-law to knit for. I’ve opened up next year for requests, so we’ll see what happens.
8. Participate in another test knit.
Yep. A few of them. I think three total?
9. Work on an original pattern.
*buzzer* Not even a little bit. It was a nice idea though?
The tally comes to five out of nine. I think the list for 2010 is going to be more conservative. More on that later, while I think up some goals to set.