Tag: <span>knitting</span>

Rhinebeck 2010

RhinebeckMosaic So I swear, sometimes I actually post about knitting and yarn and things like that.  October 16 and 17 was the annual New York State Sheep and Wool Festival, more commonly referred to as Rhinebeck.  It’s become an annual knitter tradition to go up for the weekend and enjoy fall, the beautiful leaves, snorgling sheep, checking out everyone’s incredible knitwear, and most importantly, SHOPPING.  I’m going to keep it short and say that we had an AWESOME group carpooling to the festival and it was pretty much an epic weekend (THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!  HA!).  I came home with probably more than what I intended to buy, but I love everything and really really badly want to knit all the things right now.  I still need to get together a post about the awesome sweater I wore to show off, but that’s for later.  Can’t wait for next year!

Link to full flickr set, including acquisitions!

Knitting update

I know it’s been a while since I’ve had a knitting/spinning update, in the midst of the One Local Summer fiesta I’ve been having. I’ve still been knitting and spinning, honest! Now that it’s been half the year, I suppose we should go back and look at the knitting resolutions for this year and see how things are progressing.

1. The American Aran Afghan. This is the beast that I will tackle and finish this year.
Yeahhh.. I have four squares done. I’m finding the charting and the way the book is set up to be VERY frustrating and it’s putting me off from knitting the squares. Each square goes rather quickly if I sit down and work at it, but it’s an absolute pain to copy, cut, and arrange the charts so that it makes sense to knit row-by-row.  Plus, there was this random odd injury that made knitting painful for a few months.  So, I was spinning A LOT but barely knitting a stitch.  Then there was the Tour de Fleece which took up almost a whole month of just spinning.. Not sure if I’m going to finish this afghan this year.

2. Knit /spin any club yarn/fiber in the month it is received.
Doing REALLY well with this one. I’ve had three club shipments for yarn this year that resulted in three pairs of socks so far. There was also a fiber club with three braids of roving that ended up as three skeins of yarn.

3. Knit two sweaters.
One down, one to go. I knitted the Leaf Pattern Gilet which knitted up rather quickly and will be a fall favorite when weather comes back around to actually knit. Here are the details!

DSC_0922 Leafy Cardigan
Pattern: Leaf Pattern Gilet
Needles: US 6 (4mm)
Yarn:  Balmoral by Sirdar
Ravelry Project Link
So incredibly pleased with this project from the color to the yarn to the pattern. It’s a really lovely and simple knit and I’m so glad I was able to grab the magazine that contained this pattern while it was available.

4. Knit one double-knitted item.
Uhhhh… Maybe this winter? I’m still feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea and it probably sounds more complicated than it really is.

Ravelympics 2010


Pattern: Trevi
Designer: Anne Hanson
Needles: US 4 (3.5mm)
Yarn: Twisted Fiber Art Kabam in, “Kismet”
Ravelry Project Link

Wow what a project!  This was knit over the 17 days of the 2010 winter olympics in Vancouver, Canada.  Ravelry hosts a knitting olympics of sorts – I entered this project in the Short Track Shawls event and finished just in time before the end of the closing ceremonies.  It was a close one.  I finished the border as written in the pattern, but ended up a few yards short on yarn.  This isn’t exaclty a yarn that I could just go out and buy more, so I ripped out the whole border and started over, omitting one stitch from the border – instead of three stitches, I dropped down to two, and ended up with only a yard or so left over.  It blocked up beautifully and I love the angular lace pattern.  Pretty simple as far as lace goes, but enough to keep me interested and still be able to finish in two weeks.  I’m super proud of it, and yet again, Meg, the dyer, did a fabulous job dyeing up the color evolution so it fit with the shawl progression just perfectly!

2009 Knitting Resolutions – Wrap up

2009 is over and gone, and I’m going to check through my list and see how I’ve done.

1. Clear the WIP queue from last year by the end of the month.
There’s still one outstanding WIP from 2008 in my queue, but otherwise, I did pretty well on the clean-up!  We’ll consider this one not complete, but close, right?

2. Knit two sweaters this year.
I got one!  I blogged about that one here, and got a good start on the second one, but haven’t yet finished it.  Hopefully soon.

3.  Knit one pair of socks per month.
Oh boy did I EVER do this one.  And I think I deserve a HUGE GOLD STAR.  Because I’m awesome.


I knitted a few socks this year. Here are my official 12 per the year, but the total count is 19 pairs *finished* this year (some were started in 2008).  The links below are to flickr and the original post on my blog.

1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
I might not have gotten them all in on the right month, but here we have it! Some of those are 8 ounces, so I don’t have 12 photos, but there are more than enough ounces to count at least four for every month of the year.  Yes, I realize October is missing, but there are two entries for March, so the math works out in the end, yes?  Yes.

1. Jan/Feb
2. Jan/Feb
3. March
4. June/July
5. June/July
6. August
7. September
8. May
9. March
10. November
11. December

5. Dye more yarn and roving.
Oh yeah. Did that. Hosted a dye-day at my house with the local Stitch n’ Bitch and it was super fun.

6. Knit at least one pair of stranded socks.
Nope. Not even a little. I really over-extended myself this past year.

7. Finish holiday gift knitting throughout the year instead of all at once in December!
I guess I got this one? Sorta cheated since I only did one item for one person. It’s so hard knitting gifts when there are five sisters-in-law to knit for. I’ve opened up next year for requests, so we’ll see what happens.

8. Participate in another test knit.
Yep. A few of them. I think three total?

9. Work on an original pattern.
*buzzer*  Not even a little bit.  It was a nice idea though?

The tally comes to five out of nine.  I think the list for 2010 is going to be more conservative.  More on that later, while I think up some goals to set.

November Knitting Wrap-up

November is gone and it’s time to update on the  knitting resolutions.

3. Knit one pair of socks per month

Socks Plain Old Socks
Pattern: None – plain Stockinette socks
Designer: Me?
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: My Handspun from dkKnits Superfluff roving in, “Shooting Star”
Ravelry Project Link
I had so much fun spinning up the yarn and then knitting the socks.   The yarn is a basic fingering weight yarn that was spun on my SpinOlution Mach I and then navajo plied.   I broke the yarn at the heel and started from the other end of the ball so that the color progressions on the leg and instep would be continuous.   Yeah, it’s a few more ends to weave in, but.   Look at that!   Becky always does such a fabulous job with colors.

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
See above – the yarn was finished spinning about mid month.   Then it jumped in front of everything and decided to become socks.

 2. Knit two sweaters this year.
Still working on this. I really hope to be done with the second by the end of the month, but I’m just not sure that will happen.

I’m really looking forward to January so that I can post a big follow-up to this year’s resolutions and set another batch for next year. There are going to be some good ones, I can just feel it. Also looking forward to lining up all 12 photos of socks from this year and patting myself on the back a whole bunch of times. Speaking of which, I should probably start the pair for this month, huh?

Seasonal Knitting


I’m starting off with a photo this time since, well, just look at that!   This is a test knit for my friend Abbie who designed this wrap (also available in a scarf version).   I finally got the french knots on and took it out yesterday on a Thanksgiving walk with the dogs to Valley Forge.   It propped itself up on the wheel of a cannon and primped and posed for me.     🙂

The pattern was just released this week, so you ought to go check out the pattern just to see the *cough* really awesome photography (that I might have contributed *wink*).   It’s two patterns in one, so buying from either project gets you both patterns.   Gogogo, check it out!

Socktoberfest wrap-up

As promised, here’s the run down of the socks I knit during the month of October.

DSC_6369 Thrilling Jaywalkers
Pattern: Jaywalker
Designer: Grumperina
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Thriller”
Ravelry Project Link
Still my favorite out of them all.   The yarn has already proven to wear like iron and the socks are comfortable too.   And, the colors are just so Halloween, you’ve gotta love it.
DSC_6353 Mystery Sock
Pattern: Mystery Sock  ’09
Designer: Kristen Kapur
Needles: US  2 (2.75mm)
Yarn: BMFA Socks That Rock Lightweight in, “Scum Bubble”
Ravelry Project Link
This is the first mystery sock knit-along I’ve participated in and it was a ton of fun.   I’d feverishly knit each new clue the day it was released, giving me time to knit other things during the week (you know, like, more socks).   The colorway is SO awesome and I’m happy with how it worked in the pattern as well.   Yum.   Scummy socks.   Love it.
DSC_6415 Diamond Rib Lace Sock
Pattern: Diamond Rib Lace Sock
Designer: Kathleen Taylor
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Twisted Fiber Art Kabam! in, “Minstrel”
Ravelry Project Link
Isn’t that dye job incredible?   Gotta hand it to Meg, she’s just a genius.   The sock pattern was originally meant to be a child’s sock, but with a small amount of tweaking, it sized up very easily to an adult’s sock!   And, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that zig-zag eyelet running down the leg as well as the cuff.
DSC_6112 Make-Up Sox
Pattern: Make-up Sox
Designer: Kristen Kapur
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: dkKnits Technicolor Bounce in, “Teacher Teak”
Ravelry Project Link
These are toe-up which isn’t really a favorite of mine to knit, but the pattern is really so gorgeous (and the name so cute) that I really couldn’t leave them out.   The yarn is just the perfect color and SO cozy – it’s a great match!

October Knitting Wrap-up

It’s that time once again.   This month absolutely FLEW by, so it’s time once again to update progress on my knitting resolutions.

3. Knit one pair of socks per month

DSC_6369 Thrilling Jaywalkers
Pattern: Jaywalker
Designer: Grumperina
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Thriller”
Ravelry Project Link
This project is part of Socktoberfest, a celebration of knitting socks in October.   I managed to knit up four whole pairs of socks for Socktoberfest, but these are definitely my favorites.   Squishy and BRIGHT, plus the colors are just perfect for Halloween.   These are modeled by Abbie at the Fonthill Castle.

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
This just didn’t happen.   I maybe got in about an ounce, but I spent the whole month knitting socks and really doing nothing much else.

That’s really it for the knitting resolutions this month.   I’ll put together a post later this week going over all the Socktoberfest knitting!