Tag: <span>cider</span>

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 18


I had big plans for the garden this year, but somehow it never really got off the ground.. or in the ground.  Either way, I did manage to get one lonely squash plant seedling planted, and it yielded a single ENORMOUS Boston Marrow Squash.  Well hey, I wasn’t going to let that go to waste, so I scooped out the seeds and set out to make the largest batch of squash soup ever.  It ended up working out really well for soup – the squash has lots of flavor and is pretty sweet, almost like a pumpkin on steroids.  I added some local cheese to thicken up the texture, saving some for the top as well, and paired it with a mug of Asian Pear cider.  A pretty simple meal, but that squash is a big winner.  Maybe next year, I’ll have a few more!

Squash Soup:
Boston Marrow Squash – My Garden
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Asian Pear Cider – North Star Orchard
Non local – salt, pepper

One Local Summer 2012 – Week 16

In a move of colossal idiocy, I formatted the card that contained the meal photo for this week, and wrote right back over it with some lovely portraits from a family session.  *FACEPALM*  So, I will describe the meal instead, which won’t be as good as the photo, because the photo was really really good, and I can’t believe I did that.

It was husband’s last week home, and he did the shopping at the Farmer’s Market, bringing home a big chunk of Pork Butt to feed to the crock pot.  It simmered in there all day with some home made hard cider (apples sourced locally) and maple sugar, and was falling apart at dinner time.  SO tender and juicy.  Next to that, on the plate, was a pile of mashed potatoes which had been mixed together with caramelized onions and garlic.  Next was steamed and sauteed garlic string beans.  Then we had grilled roma tomatoes from our garden, and finally grilled peaches with Fat Cat cheese (the highlight of the plate for me).  Seriously, those peaches were delicious and inventive, and something I would’ve never thought to have made.

Epic Meal that you’ll Never See:
Pork – Countrytime Farm
Maple Sugar – Miller’s Maple
Hard Cider – with apples from Linvilla Orchard (I think?  This was brewed a while ago!)
Garlic – Jack’s Farm
String Beans – Jack’s Farm
Onions – Jack’s Farm
Potatoes – Jack’s Farm
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Tomatoes – My Garden
Peaches – North Star Orchard
Non Local – Salt, Pepper, various spices, cider vinegar