I had quite a few ways to go with this one, but decided to go with a few from my husband’s family. His genealogy nearly all traces back to the Netherlands, so there are some really neat photos from his family that I absolutely love, with a great history and tons of stories from living descendants.
First up, a photo of my husband’s paternal grandfather, Doede “Douglas” Jaarsma (b. 22 Apr 1911 Tjerkgaast, Friesland, Netherlands, d. 12 Feb 1995, Haledon, Passaic, New Jersey, USA) in front of the shop where he worked after arriving in the USA. They arrived by boat in 1951 with their three children, including my husband’s father. From the sign, I think “Aukema” is Art Aukema who is related through Douglas’ sister, Grace (Getje) who married an Aukema. I’m pretty sure the building for “Sussex Welding” doesn’t exist anymore since that’s the area I grew up in and I can’t remember seeing it ever. The photo was probably taken about 1953 or thereabouts.
I love to see a proprietor’s name on the building. That’s a sure sign he’s proud of his business and wants to maintain a good reputation. I enjoyed looking at these pictures.
Thanks! I’m pretty sure that particular building was swallowed up by another family member’s business that has since expanded. I really need to check with my father-in-law to be 100% sure.
Isn’t it frustrating when the photograph is just not quite clear enough to identify the people in it? I have so many photos like that.
I love those lace valances in the window of An-De-Weg!
Your first photo looks much the same as would be seen in any Australian country town of the same era.
It will be interesting to see if anyone does know more about the last photo. Our family has some unknowns too, and we’ll probably never be able to find out who or where the photo was taken. Good luck, it’s a nice photo.
Two intriguing photos, especially the second one, involving so many unknowns, eg. who, what, where?
The first photo is especially interesting because the old tractor and car were included.
I can’t help with location, but I can admire your photos; bang on theme.
I was pretty pleased that I had a man with his hands in his pockets in front of a sign.
I believe the first picture is of my dad, Art Aukema’s welding shop. He was in business with a partner. I do not know the partner’s name. He left New a jersey in the early 50’s and settled in Florida where he established a dairy farm. He passed away in 2011.