Spoonflower Cheater Quilt – Final

Following up all the way from 2015, here’s my final Spoonflower Cheater Quilt.  For a look back (because I’m the slackiest slacker ever)..
Lesson 1 & 2 – Link
Lesson 3 – Link
Lesson 4 – Link

Whew, so the finished project!  If I remember correctly, my sewing machine died at some point while I was doing the actual quilting around the squares, so that set me back till I could get a replacement, and then this poor thing moved houses, folded up neatly for *counts on fingers* SEVEN YEARS until I’m finally back posting about it and found a place for it over the back of a chair.  Pardon the crummy photos – I laid it out on the floor and stood on a stool, so they’re not great, but they’re done at least!

It’s far FAR from perfect – the quilting is uneven and I have puckers here and there, it doesn’t lay perfectly flat.. but I do like it for a first go at quilting.  I learned some things, and it’s neat to have the whole of 2014 on one finished piece.  I could see possibly doing one of these for every 5 years or so?  I’ve got an archive of digital photos for over 20 years now, so it’s possible to even go further and do four panels (one for each set of 5) and put them together into something larger.

The back is the design “Make it Snappy” by pennycandy and I even had little custom postcard style tags printed by spoonflower (you can kind of see it in the top left corner in the photo above – I digitally obscured my name).  I know, the print was oriented horizontally instead of vertically so it doesn’t quite match the orientation of the front, but I loved this print SO much, it didn’t really matter that the orientation was different.

It’s a shame that Instagram has changed so much since this quilt was completed.  I really enjoyed basic old static Instagram photos since you can’t put videos or reels on a quilt.  Instagram used to help me curate moments from the day down to one or two photos instead of my massive photos stream on the phone that just goes on forever and ever.  I’m not sure this is something I could really replicate again without doing tons of extra work to curate down photos and group them together by color theme.  Overall, this was a neat project and a fantastic use of custom printed fabric from Spoonflower, and I’m glad I joined the challenge and finally posted my finished project!

Coalport Irvona High School Commencement 1949

Just so you know, when you graduate, someone saves all of your commencement programs for someone else to find over half a century later.  This is the commencement program for one of my grandmothers’ graduations, so it’s neat to see her name printed in the program.  The scan is the program laid flat, and then scanned the front/back side and then the interior.  Click through to see any image full size – text inserted below mostly for search indexing purposes so that folks looking for their ancestors can find the data!

Commencement Exercises, Class of 1949, Coalport-Irvona High School, Monday, May 23, 1949, 8:00 P.M.
Class Roll
Betty Mae Beers
Robert Bell
Della Bloom
Blanche Bratton
Evelyn Brink *
Ida Dixon *
Joann Dixon
Barbara Hegarty *
LeRoy Kizina
Paulene McGarvey
Robert Morris
Connie Nelson *
Philip Plottel *
Madelyn Ponce
Kenneth Rydbom
Claire E. Spicher
Clarice Spicher
Ed. Traveny
* – Graduate With Honor
Class Officers
President – Le Roy Kizina
Vice President – Ida Dixon
Secretary – Claire E. Spicher
Treasurer – Connie Nelson
Class Motto – Honor Lies at Labor’s Gate
Class Color – Green and Gray
Class Advisor – Mr. Whittaker
Student Association Officers
President – Barbara Hegarty
Vice President – Ken Rydbom
Secretary – Germaine Flynn
Treasurer – Joann Dixon
Class Reporter – Ida Dixon
Council Representatives – Betty M. Beers, Bob Bell
Processional – Mrs. Jean Salem
Invocation – Rev. H. R. Welliver
Piano Solo – Barbara Hegarty, Rachmaninof’s Prelude in C Minor
“Strive for a Star”
An original study by the honor students of the class of 1949
Star of Hope – Evelyn Brink
Star of Success – Phil Plottel
Star of Happiness – Connie Nelson
Vocal Duet – Clarice and Claire Spicher, Harbor Bell
Star of Peace – Ida Dixon
Star of Fulfillment – Barbara Hegarty
Vocal Solo – Ave Maria, Blanche Bratten
Presentation of the Class – George E. Fitch
Presentation of Diplomas – L. A. Lord, President, Board of Education
Musical Selection – Donna and Keith Bloom
Awards and Announcements – George E. Fitch
Choral Selection – Class of 1949
Benediction – Rev. H. R. Welliver
Recessional – Mrs. Jean Salem
Coalport-Irvona Joint High School Board of Education
L. A. Lord – President
Dr. C. L. Owens – Vice President
H. C. Newcomb – Secretary
D. S. Braucht, Fred A. Dubler, F. C. Andrew, John B. Holman, Dr. A. M. Gates, O. A. McGarvey, James Spade
George E. Fitch – Supervising Principal
Hazel H. Fluke – Languages, Dramatics, Speech
Russell E. Whittaker – Commercial
Eugene M. Brady – Mathematics, Athletics
Mary E. Russell – Science, English, Dramatics
H. Richard Welliver – Social Studies, English, Library

Black Forest Socks

Black Forest Socks
Started: 22 March 2022
Finished: 29 March 2022
Pattern: Plain Old Socks (my pattern)
Yarn: Sheepy Time Knits Ewe Know Who in colorway, “Black Forest”
Needle: US 1.5 / 2.5 mm
Notes: Basic socks in a really neat green/black color that is absolutely named perfectly.  Knit up in only a week!

Many Happy Returns of the Day – 1911

This is another in the series of “Maher Postcards” that are explained in this post.  The front of this card shows purple irises surrounding a birthday message, transcribed below.

Many Happy Returns of the Day
May your days from now be brighter
May your load grow ever lighter
May this birthday be the first of days
When ill luck flies away, and good luck stays.

The card is addressed to Mrs. Bernard Maher, the former Miss Hattie Braniff, born 28 May 1886 in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.  The sender is Catherine Maher, her mother-in-law, who wrote out the address putting little hearts at the front of each letter in her name and in “Buffalo” and “NY” which is just too charming.  The postmark date is 26 May 1911, so it likely arrived on Hattie’s 25th birthday which is fantastic timing and close to this post date, albeit over a hundred years earlier.  The one cent Benjamin Franklin stamp is still affixed.  The message reads, “Hello Hattie, how are and all the rest.  We are all well here at present, tell Bernard Aunt Annie Garrity is getting married to a Bernard Duigon of Hastings.  Wishing you a happy birthday.”

The Annie Garrity mentioned in the message is Annie McCann (1865-1936) who married Catherine’s brother, William.  William passed away in 1904, so the news being passed on is that Annie, Catherine’s sister-in-law, is marrying a second time.  It’s great that she was able to slip in a little bit of family news along with the birthday greetings as it helps to cement exactly who we’re talking about here!

Sunoco Nu-Blue Advertisement

Yet another random odd bit of history tucked into a box of grandma’s correspondence.  Not exactly sure why she saved this, but it’s advertising Sunoco’s gasoline product, “Nu-Blue” as “Quick Starting” and “A Hero Even Below Zero.”  The “Fill Up Today At …” line is blank – there should be a stamp showing the gas station’s name in that spot.  In the image, Donald Duck is dressed up in a hat, ear muffs, scarf, and mittens, holding a medal that says, “Quick Starting,” in front of a smiling, sunny gas pump.  Via some search results, Nu-Blue started to be manufactured in about 1937, and there are bunches of advertisements from the 1940s all the way through about 1963.  I find it pretty interesting to see a Disney character on an advertisement for gasoline though which is why I’m posting this here!

Open Print Exchange – Take 2

I had SO much fun with the original Open Press Project Print Exchange that when they opened it up for round 2, I immediately jumped on board.  The idea is you send in ten prints made with an Open Press Project mini printing press – one stays with the project and gets sent out on exhibitions, and you receive nine random prints in return.

Inspired by this past year’s holiday card, I did another drypoint etching on a plastic plate.  Go with what you know, right?  The deadline to be received in Germany was February 1, so I had them out mid January which was a bit of a list minute rush after a busy holiday season, and partly why I went a little easier on myself with this one instead of trying something new.  Still, I’m REALLY happy with how it came out and can’t wait to see the nine prints I receive in return!  To see all the prints from both exchanges, check out their website.

Print Details:
Backer #536
Drypoint Etching on plastic plate
Speedball Akua Ink in Mars Black
Printed on Legion Stonehenge paper in Steel Grey

Update 1/24/2024 – Exchange prints have been received and that post is at the following link –

Recycled Sheets Doily Rug

Doily Rug
Started: 14 March 2022
Finished: 15 March 2022
Pattern: Rag Doily Rug by Coco Knits
Yarn: Recycled sheets
Needle: US 19 / 15 mm
Notes:  I have a few sets of old sheets lying around that  I keep meaning to upcycle into something usable.  Well, it was finally time!  This set of sheets, I actually ripped a hole in the middle when I got into bed, that’s how thin they had gotten.  So, first step was to cut them into size.  These were for a California King bed, so I folded them over a few times to make it a shorter pass and went to town with my rotary cutter, cutting 1.5″ strips.  To join strips together, I want to say I used the looped hole technique shown here, but it’s also been over a year and I can’t quite remember? I don’t think I bothered sewing the ends together, but my strips were pretty long.  The needles were something I grabbed from online since I definitely didn’t have a size that large on hand, and I’m not going to lie, I’m used to knitting socks, so knitting something this big on needles that large was a full arm workout and definitely tiring on the hands.  Thankfully, it was a pretty small project and went rather quickly!  The fabric, IIRC, was some kind of microfiber fabric, so the weave is SUPER messy – it split and frayed all over the place while I was knitting and there was just no way to control it – it was nothing like ripping/cutting a plain old cotton sheet.  In the end, things came together well and the resulting rug does look a little fuzzy, but it hasn’t shed anymore.  I did wash and lay this out to shape it before placing it at our back door, and I think that helped a bunch.  SUPER fun to do this and I’m happy with the final result!  I still have a bunch of this ‘yarn’ leftover too, so I should be able to make another one too.

Dick Reed Political Advertisement – 1951

Tucked into a box of one of my grandmothers’ things, I found this political advertisement for Dick Reed from Houtzdale, PA, running for Register & Recorder in 1951 for Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.  This little slip of cardboard is advertising him for the primary election on Tuesday, July 24, 1951, an election that he won.  He was running on the primary against two others, George A. Lukehart, and Ralph J Smith.  Here’s a clipping from the newspaper, announcing his candidacy.

During the election on Tuesday, November 6, 1951, his name appears on the sample ballot printed in the newspaper, and the final, official count posted a few weeks later shows he won his election.

He served four terms as Register & Recorder for the county until he lost his election in 1967 to Louise Mahaffey.  Searching through shows he passed away in October of 1986, and his full name was Richard George Reed (born 31 Oct 1904).  Dick Reed doesn’t appear to be related to any branch of my own family, but I found it interesting that this little piece of advertising was tucked away for over 70 years in a box of correspondence that grandma saved.