First Kloverbox of the new year! It was late, arriving the first day of February, so the calendar included in the box was already 1/12th gone by the time it was received which was a little disappointing. They might as well have started the calendar in February instead of January if it’s not going to arrive in January, or planned this for the December box instead. Also there were only three items this month, mostly because the one item was worth $64. I’m not sure I like the idea of throwing the majority of the budget for a single box into one product because if the big money item isn’t something you like, the other products won’t make up for it. So, mixed feelings on this box, but I’ll go through the contents individually.
- Saylorwolf’s Watercolors 2016 Calendar – 1 set with easel / $10 – (Full size product) It’s cute, small and desk sized, but let’s face it, the only calendar I actually use and look at daily is the one that syncs between me and the spousal unit on our cellphones. I honestly don’t know where to put this (you should see the state of my computer desk), and while the watercolors are really beautiful, I’d probably have preferred a single print instead of a calendar set.
- Snapz Organic Apple Cheese Crisps – 1 pouch / $1 – (Full size product) They’re.. okay? Nothing to write home about and not something I’d actually purchase. I like the crunch, and the ingredient list is phenomenally simple, but they taste SUPER bland. Almonds cost less and are lots tastier, even the raw ones, and contain more protein than this little snack bag. The product made for a nice filler addition to the box, but it just didn’t wow me.
- Palmetto Derma Rejuvenating Antioxidant Mask – 1.75 oz / $64 – (Full size product) It does smell nice – warm and sweet but not floral, hard to explain! It’s a thick, white, cream which is very unlike most clay masks. Almost immediately upon application, it feels cooling and tingly. After 15 minutes, I rinsed it off easily with warm water. It didn’t completely dry on my skin like a typical clay mask which was nice, and the cooling tingle stayed around after the mask was washed off. Most clay masks make your skin feel hot from the increased blood circulation, but this was quite the opposite. It also didn’t make my skin feel tight and dry like a typical clay mask. Not bad! Still not something I’d spend $64 on though since while it’s nice, I’m not sure it’s sixty-four-dollars-nice.
Overall the total comes out to $75 which is pretty huge for this box! It was kind of a meh sort of box for me, I guess. I wasn’t incredibly interested in any of the products this month – they’re all okay, but nothing really knocked my socks off, and I’ll admit that I was a little disappointed to see only three products which is a little bit silly when the overall value is high. I guess having more products in a box means I’m more likely to find one that really makes the month worth it which is where this one kind of left me hanging a little. Don’t get me wrong, the mask is nice, but it’s not something I’d ever buy on my own because of the price. It’s still nice to have the product since it isn’t something I’d buy on my own, but I do sort of use these boxes as a way to explore samples of products that may be better than ones I’m already using and that’s where this box left me hanging. In case you’re interested in subscribing, here’s my referral link for 15% off your subscription.