Category: <span>One Local Summer</span>

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 22


CHILI! My favorite, and the first time we’ve been able to pull this off as a one local summer meal.  Our local orchard, North Star, had been experimenting with growing beans and drying them, so we finally got a harvest and my FIRST thought upon seeing them at the market was CHILI!  Husband again took the lead on this since he’s the chili master and had this amazing stuff simmering in the crock pot all day.  I can honestly tell you that the only thing holding us back from the chili was the beans, and we had been pretty much doing this locally anyway, using bison instead of cow beef since it makes the resulting chili way less greasy.  The whole meal together on the table was incredible – the asian pears were heated up a bit and drizzled with maple syrup.  We managed to get enough tomatoes from the volunteer tomato plants to put in salads, so that worked out great.  Really can’t wait to do this again!

Chili with Cornbread and Salad:
Bison – Backyard Bison
Hot Bison Sausage – Backyard Bison
Beans – North Star Orchard
Celery – North Star Orchard
Peppers – Jack’s Farm
Jalapenos – Charlestown Farm
Onions – Jack’s Farm
Tomato sauce – Homemade, frozen from prior harvest
Tomatoes – Our Garden
Asian Pears – North Star Orchard
Cornmeal – Mill at Anselma
Flour – Mill at Anselma
Maple Sugar – Miller’s Maple
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Salad Greens – Jack’s Farm
Non Local – cocoa powder, salt, pepper, olive oil, balsamic vinegar

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 21


I got really behind on getting posts up during busy November and December, but, better late than never (I seem to be really good at the late).  Husband prepared this one as sourced from the market at the Mill at Anselma.  The ribeye was cooked on the grill and topped with blue cheese, carrots cooked with some maple syrup, and the soup simmered all day.  It was absolutely incredible and very filling, finished off with a glass of cold cider.

Ribeye with Salad and Potato Leek Soup:
Ribeye – Bendy Brook Farm
Carrots – Maysie’s Farm
Salad greens – Maysie’s Farm
Maple Syrup – Miller’s Maple
Blue Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Potatoes – Maysie’s Farm
Leeks – North Star Orchard
Celery – Maysie’s Farm
Cider – North Star Orchard
Non Local – salt, pepper, salad dressing

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 20


Another meal by the husband.  It’s the time of year that he makes at least one pot of soup per week, and there are no complaints from me!  The only thing not really local is the bread – it was baked locally, but the ingredients aren’t local (but it does go very well with the soup).  The soup turned out great – the cabbage was still just a little crunchy and not completely wilted down to mush.  The husband has a real knack for knowing what ingredients work together in a soup, and this was no exception.  The soup bone had a bunch of meat on it, more than we expected, so that was a nice surprise.  The whole thing turned out great and made for a perfect lunch on a chilly day.

Cabbage Soup:
Carrots – North Star Orchard
Cabbage – North Star Orchard
Potatoes – North Star Orchard
Onions – North Star Orchard
Soup Bone – Deep Roots Valley Farm
Bread – St. Peter’s Bakery
Non Local – Salt, pepper

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 19


Husband is back at cooking and made this simple but delicious meal in no time flat.  We’d had the chorizo in the freezer, so after that defrosted, he browned the chroizo, stuffed it into big red peppers, sliced some cheese on top, and set it in the oven until the peppers were soft and the cheese was bubbly.  I REALLY love this cheese (Equinox) for topping food that goes in the oven – it crisps up really nicely and doesn’t melt too far all over the place.  On the side, for desert, is a bowl of sliced asian pears drizzled with maple syrup and warmed up just a bit.  WOW was that a winning combination.  Plus, this week, only local ingredients!

Chorizo Stuffed Peppers:
Chorizo – Countrytime Farm
Peppers – North Star Orchard
Asian Pears – North Star Orchard
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Maple Syrup – Miller’s Maple

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 18


I had big plans for the garden this year, but somehow it never really got off the ground.. or in the ground.  Either way, I did manage to get one lonely squash plant seedling planted, and it yielded a single ENORMOUS Boston Marrow Squash.  Well hey, I wasn’t going to let that go to waste, so I scooped out the seeds and set out to make the largest batch of squash soup ever.  It ended up working out really well for soup – the squash has lots of flavor and is pretty sweet, almost like a pumpkin on steroids.  I added some local cheese to thicken up the texture, saving some for the top as well, and paired it with a mug of Asian Pear cider.  A pretty simple meal, but that squash is a big winner.  Maybe next year, I’ll have a few more!

Squash Soup:
Boston Marrow Squash – My Garden
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Asian Pear Cider – North Star Orchard
Non local – salt, pepper

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 17


So, this one might not look as impressive, but so far, it’s been my favorite meal all year (well okay, maybe tied with the bacon wrapped filet).  Yoinked straight from Pinterest, but with a few changes.  The original post I pinned is here, in case you’re curious.  I took the idea, but instead of using apples, I substituted with asian pears.  The asian pear season is in FULL swing and our local orchard is churning them out  almost   as fast as the local population consumes them.  They’re hugely popular around here, and you best get to the market early if you want a couple!  Anyway, I cut slices in the pork loin, stuffed in slices of apples, and put it in the crock pot.  I covered the loin with a dusting of cinnamon and honey, added some asian pear cider in the bottom and onions on top.  WOW.  It came out so tender and just plain amazing.  I may have to do this one again and try using other fruits.  Add in some roasted potatoes instead of mashed, and we have a full meal on the plate.

Asian Pear Stuffed Pork Loin:
Pork Loin – Countrytime Farm
Asian Pears – North Star Orchard
Asian Pear Cider – North Star Orchard
Onion – Jack’s Farm
Potatoes – Jack’s Farm
Honey – Baues’ Busy Bees
Non Local – olive oil, salt, pepper, cinnamon

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 16

Stuffed Peppers, One Local Summer style!  The Anselma market had these huge red peppers and I couldn’t resist.  We used ground pork, tomatoes from our own garden, and instead of rice, wheat!  The substitution worked out really well, and in fact, I think I might prefer it – the wheat is really much more flavorful than rice, even if it takes longer to cook.  Add to that a big chunk of cantaloupe and some potatoes, and it makes for a very filling dinner.  It really came out well and I’m SO glad we had leftovers.  Yeah, I know I’m behind on blogging again – this was actually prepared a few weeks ago, before vacation, but I’m just finally getting it online now.  Oops.  Better late than never?

Stuffed Peppers:
Red Peppers – Brogue Hydroponics
Blue Potatoes – Jack’s Farm
Yellow Potatoes – Brogue Hydroponics
Cantaloupe – Brogue Hydroponics
Onion – Maysie’s Farm
Ground Pork – Bendy Brook Farm
Wheat – North Star Orchard
Tomatoes – My Garden
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Non Local – Olive oil, salt, pepper

One Local Summer 2013 – Week 15


The husband took lead on this dinner and I’m glad to have him back again!  I don’t know why we never thought of it before, what with the Bison vendor and the pork vendor just a booth away from eachother, but we finally did it – Filet Mignon wrapped in bacon!  One of the most delicious combinations to ever grace the grill, and the husband managed to cook the filet exactly to my specifications (brown the whole way through, but still tender, yes, I know I’m a freak about how red meat is cooked).  The bacon kept the filet extra juicy and it really is a winning combination.  To finish off the plate, we had a grilled peach covered in Equinox cheese, and potatoes grilled with onions and garlic.  Good ole meat and potatoes, but a classy meat and potatoes, I think.  Such a shame there isn’t more!  And, before I forget to mention it, there really is nothing in the world better than nitrate free bacon from our favorite pork vendor at the market – this stuff is SO SO SO beyond anything I’ve ever gotten in the grocery store.

Bacon Wrapped Filet with Potatoes and a Grilled Peach:
Bacon – Countrytime Farm
Blue Potatoes – Jack’s Farm
Onion – Jack’s Farm
Garlic – North Star Orchard
Cheese – Birchrun Hills
Bison Filet Mignon – Backyard Bison
Non local – Olive oil, salt, pepper