Baccalaureate Services 1949

Baccalaureate Services 1949

As a follow-up to a prior post with the graduation program, it appears grandma also saved the program for her Baccalaureate Service.

Again, this was a folded program scanned flat, so the front of the program is the right side of the first scan, and the back in the left side of the first scan.  I didn’t have a Baccalaureate service when I graduated high school, but it seems to be a religious service for the graduates, celebrating their graduation from a secular, public school with a Christian service (I don’t get it either, it’s fine).  The text is transcribed below for search indexing purposes, and the pages are clickable to see a larger version.

Baccalaureate Services for The Class of 1949 of Coalport-Irvona Joint High School, Coalport, PA.
Sunday, May 22, 1949, 4:00 P.M.
Processional – Mrs. Jean Salem
Invocation – Rev. U. J. Terry
Hymn – Fairest Lord Jesus – Audience
Scripture Reading – Rev. R. U. Jones
Prayer – Rev. R. U. Jones
Offertory – “Path of Prayer” – Class
Address – Rev. R. U. Jones
Hymn – Be Still My Soul – Audience
Benediction – Rev. U. J. Terry
Recessional – Mrs. Jean Salem
Fairest Lord Jesus
Fairest Lord Je-sus, ruler of all
O Thou of God and man the Son,
Thee will I cherihs, Thee will I
Thou, my soul’s glory, joy and crown.
Fair is the sunshine, Fairer still
the moonlight,
And all the twinkling star-ry host;
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines
Than all the angels heav’n can boast.
Be Still, My Soul
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on
thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief
or pain;
Leave to they God to order and pro-
In every change He faithful will
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy
heavenly Friend,
Thro’ thorny ways leads to a joy-
ful end.  Amen

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