Author: <span>Sheetar</span>

November Knitting Wrap-up

November is gone and it’s time to update on the  knitting resolutions.

3. Knit one pair of socks per month

Socks Plain Old Socks
Pattern: None – plain Stockinette socks
Designer: Me?
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: My Handspun from dkKnits Superfluff roving in, “Shooting Star”
Ravelry Project Link
I had so much fun spinning up the yarn and then knitting the socks.   The yarn is a basic fingering weight yarn that was spun on my SpinOlution Mach I and then navajo plied.   I broke the yarn at the heel and started from the other end of the ball so that the color progressions on the leg and instep would be continuous.   Yeah, it’s a few more ends to weave in, but.   Look at that!   Becky always does such a fabulous job with colors.

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
See above – the yarn was finished spinning about mid month.   Then it jumped in front of everything and decided to become socks.

 2. Knit two sweaters this year.
Still working on this. I really hope to be done with the second by the end of the month, but I’m just not sure that will happen.

I’m really looking forward to January so that I can post a big follow-up to this year’s resolutions and set another batch for next year. There are going to be some good ones, I can just feel it. Also looking forward to lining up all 12 photos of socks from this year and patting myself on the back a whole bunch of times. Speaking of which, I should probably start the pair for this month, huh?

Upcoming Show

I’ll probably post this a few billion times between now and the show, but here’s the first time.  Please please please come out to the show and say hello – it would mean so much to see you there.  A TON of really talented photographers will be showing their work next to Scott Church’s photography, and I’m honored to be among them.

Seasonal Knitting


I’m starting off with a photo this time since, well, just look at that!   This is a test knit for my friend Abbie who designed this wrap (also available in a scarf version).   I finally got the french knots on and took it out yesterday on a Thanksgiving walk with the dogs to Valley Forge.   It propped itself up on the wheel of a cannon and primped and posed for me.     🙂

The pattern was just released this week, so you ought to go check out the pattern just to see the *cough* really awesome photography (that I might have contributed *wink*).   It’s two patterns in one, so buying from either project gets you both patterns.   Gogogo, check it out!


I had a Saturday off with no obligations and planned to stop by the SAFONA Fiber Festival.  It was being held about a 45 minute drive from home through some Amish farmland and pretty historic parts of Pennsylvania.  The whole drive out had me making a mental checklist of all the places I wanted to see on the way home – wineries, shops, etc.  Met some wonderful people and made purchases from Rock Creek Yarn, Wolle’s Yarn Creations, and Black Diamond Alpacas.  All are wonderful vendors and I had a blast taking time to chat with each of them and oogle their display items.  Practiced my knitter’s handshake a few times (grab knitted item, squeeze, ask wearer if he/she made it).  After having my fill of fiber, I turned the car around for the adventure back home.

First stop was the Goodville Fabric Outlet which is basically a HUGE warehouse filled to the top with fabric.  All kinds of fabric.  Cheap fabric!  It was really overwhelming and while I wasn’t looking for anything specific, it was really neat to stop there and find the deals for future reference.

Then I came across the Poole Forge which had been turned into a beautiful park with a classic red covered bridge, winding stream, and lovely old stone buildings.  I stopped for a while with the camera, smiled at an Amish man passing by with his buggy, and took in what had become a gorgeous afternoon.

Next stop was Olde Peddler Wools.  Great shop with a good variety of classic, workhorse yarns – the stuff that is cost efficient and quality fiber.  It’s a shame that they’re not closer to home!

The next detour was the Kog Hill Winery.  When I walked in, the gal behind the counter who was running wine tastings was KNITTING!  She had just learned and was working on a garter stitch scarf.  We chatted about knitting as she fed me wine samples, and it was one of many random-acts-of-randomness that really made the day.  Bought some wine, wished her luck with the knitting, and headed back out.

Wineries?  Pennsylvania has a lot of them, and it’s almost hard to drive more than 10 miles without running across at least one and the next detour brought me to another winery.  Most of them produce decent wine – stuff that’s delightful to drink, but nothing really world-class incredible.  The J Maki Winery is not that kind of winery.  Their wines BLEW ME AWAY, specifically the Gewurztraminer which is a really unique interpretation of that grape.  The reds were dry – just how I like them – and the ice wine, particularly the Cabernet Franc ice wine, was phenomenal.  Really quite the gem of a vineyard, and I will definitely visit again to pick up some more wine.

My final stop before home was the Glasslight Studio.  I took a detour for a historic sign that didn’t pan out the way I thought it would and ended up passing this place on the way.  After being greeted by a large, black Bouvier mutt (who later nudged my arm for more head-scritches and buttrubs), one of the glass artists talked to me for at least a half hour about the glass blowing classes they offer.  He let me look in on the class that was in progress and took my email address for future classes.

I know this post has gotten long, but honestly, the whole day was filled with such wonderful people and I really needed this kind of a day after a sort of rotten week.  Now, a photo!

Rachel Schain

DSC_6031_bw This is Rachel Schain, a local musician and friend who asked for some new photos for promotions, websites, etc.   The two hour shoot went very well and she came away with a TON of really great shots.   Musicians seem to make great models and are seldom shy of the camera lens.   This photo here is really my favorite shot out of the bunch, but I’ve added another color one below so that you can see her gorgeous red hair.   If you’d like to check out her music, you can go to her myspace page  or her facebook page.



There’s always one in every neighborhood.  The weird ones who do weird things and get gossiped about over the fence.  You hope to Bob that this is not you, but might secretly take some sort of satisfaction that if it were you, you might be eligible for some sort of freak merit badge.

Thankfully, this is not us (sadly, no freak merit badge), but the favorite family in the neighborhood happens to be two houses over.  We live in an older neighborhood with some houses dating back to the late 1800s.  Most of the older houses had outhouses at one point, but they’ve since been removed ages ago in the name of oh, I don’t know, Modern Plumbing.  Said neighbors still have their little red brick outhouse in the backyard.  One morning, I awoke to sounds of construction outside.  Having dogs is always a good excuse to go out and investigate, so out we went.  While the puppies were sniffing all over the yard for any trace of squirrel poop to consume, I looked two yards over to see a man, on a ladder, chiseling old shingles off the roof of the outhouse.

I know.  They were re-roofing THE OUTHOUSE.  I could see if it was a deluxe model and they were repurposing the thing to be a shed, but really?  Four square feet don’t really constitute bonus storage space, especially if that four square feet comes with a bench that has a hole in the middle.  During the past two years, there have been so many memorable things, but this one definitely takes the urinal cake.

Socktoberfest wrap-up

As promised, here’s the run down of the socks I knit during the month of October.

DSC_6369 Thrilling Jaywalkers
Pattern: Jaywalker
Designer: Grumperina
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Thriller”
Ravelry Project Link
Still my favorite out of them all.   The yarn has already proven to wear like iron and the socks are comfortable too.   And, the colors are just so Halloween, you’ve gotta love it.
DSC_6353 Mystery Sock
Pattern: Mystery Sock  ’09
Designer: Kristen Kapur
Needles: US  2 (2.75mm)
Yarn: BMFA Socks That Rock Lightweight in, “Scum Bubble”
Ravelry Project Link
This is the first mystery sock knit-along I’ve participated in and it was a ton of fun.   I’d feverishly knit each new clue the day it was released, giving me time to knit other things during the week (you know, like, more socks).   The colorway is SO awesome and I’m happy with how it worked in the pattern as well.   Yum.   Scummy socks.   Love it.
DSC_6415 Diamond Rib Lace Sock
Pattern: Diamond Rib Lace Sock
Designer: Kathleen Taylor
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Twisted Fiber Art Kabam! in, “Minstrel”
Ravelry Project Link
Isn’t that dye job incredible?   Gotta hand it to Meg, she’s just a genius.   The sock pattern was originally meant to be a child’s sock, but with a small amount of tweaking, it sized up very easily to an adult’s sock!   And, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that zig-zag eyelet running down the leg as well as the cuff.
DSC_6112 Make-Up Sox
Pattern: Make-up Sox
Designer: Kristen Kapur
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: dkKnits Technicolor Bounce in, “Teacher Teak”
Ravelry Project Link
These are toe-up which isn’t really a favorite of mine to knit, but the pattern is really so gorgeous (and the name so cute) that I really couldn’t leave them out.   The yarn is just the perfect color and SO cozy – it’s a great match!

October Knitting Wrap-up

It’s that time once again.   This month absolutely FLEW by, so it’s time once again to update progress on my knitting resolutions.

3. Knit one pair of socks per month

DSC_6369 Thrilling Jaywalkers
Pattern: Jaywalker
Designer: Grumperina
Needles: US 1 (2.25mm)
Yarn: Wollmeise Sockenwolle 100% superwash in colorway, “Thriller”
Ravelry Project Link
This project is part of Socktoberfest, a celebration of knitting socks in October.   I managed to knit up four whole pairs of socks for Socktoberfest, but these are definitely my favorites.   Squishy and BRIGHT, plus the colors are just perfect for Halloween.   These are modeled by Abbie at the Fonthill Castle.

4. Spin four ounces of roving per month.
This just didn’t happen.   I maybe got in about an ounce, but I spent the whole month knitting socks and really doing nothing much else.

That’s really it for the knitting resolutions this month.   I’ll put together a post later this week going over all the Socktoberfest knitting!