

A brightly colored postcard of Marseille, France for today’s post.  This is another in the set of postcards sent from grandpa to grandma during WWII.  In the center is a black and white photo of what looks like a harbor and some sort of ship which looks to be a civilian cruise ship to me.  The back isn’t posted since it contains personal information (even though grandma and grandpa have passed, it just feels insensitive to post the messages), but it is stamped with “Carte Postale <<Naarbo>>” at the top and the Narbo logo with “Modele Depose” dividing the message from the address.  Grandpa noted the date as 1 April 1945, and there’s no stamp, so he either brought this home or it was sent via the US Army Air Force mail service which didn’t require postage.  I really love the colors on the front and the font for “Marseille” and this one jumped out to me as a good one to post today!

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