Name Cards – Part 3

Name Cards – Part 3

Bonus round!  I found a couple more name cards, so here’s (hopefully) the final post of these.  Photos have been added where found!

John H. Vigene: “Clarice, To a small but cute girl, all the luck and success possible.  Who is the luckey guy??  John”

Claire Ellen Spicher: “Dear Clarice (sister), It has been quite alot of fun going to school with you.  Even if we did have to walk most of the time (thanks to Mr Whitl[..?] and now Mr. Fitch).  They lessened the walking, if we [???] started early enough.  Love, Clarie Ellen”

Betty Mae Beers: “Remember all the fun we had in Oral English Class.  I liked your stories.  I wish you good luck & success always.  Betty Mae”

Emeline Bartek: “Clarice, Remember the first day I met you, up in the office.  I wish you all the luck and success in the world in your future years, especially with ‘Leon.’  Remember me.  Emeline”

Arlene Faye Campbell: “Clarice, to a small girl.  I wish we had went to school together longer.  Luck & success always, if we ever get arrested for speedin, you bail us out ok?  Taffy”

Kenneth W. Rydbom: “Clarice: I think I’ll remember you as ‘Little Spike.’  Your a real nice kid.  Ken.”

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