Yet another postcard in this series of Maher postcards. This one brings “Glad Easter Greetings” and has a design on the front featuring a fluffy yellow chick sitting in a hammock of pink flowers that’s held up by two pussy willow branches. Clovers sprout up underneath the hammock and a city scene is in the far background. On an image search, I did find an old ebay auction with the exact same postcard.
This postcard is addressed to Lee Maher, and is postmarked 4 April 1912. Lee would’ve been 8 when he received this. Here’s the message:
“Hello Lee, how are you. Do you go to school. Summer will soon be here then you can play ball. Tell your mamma to write. From Uncle James.”
Uncle James Maher on Lee’s father’s side would’ve only been born a year before Lee, so I guess it’s possible he wrote this, maybe with the assistance of an adult. Not entirely sold on that being the case, but it’s possible!