Every once in a while, I remember I have something in the genealogical stash that lines up with the holiday at hand! This postcard was found in a box of grandma’s things in a set of postcards that didn’t belong to her or any family member. I honestly have no idea how she came across them! I had contacted someone via Ancestry.com who was related to the person most of these were sent to, and neither of us could make a link. Anyway, today’s postcard was in that set and I only found it online one other place, so I thought I’d share it today. The front is printed in tones of blue with “Mothers’ Day” at the top, a photo of a woman, and carnations framing a poem that is as follows:
To Honor Our Mothers
Just one such kindly face,
A heart so filled with grace;
Gift of the One above,
A mother, and her love.
The back says it’s No. 212, price $1 per 100 by Meigs pub. co., Indianapolis, Ind. Made in the U.S.A. Someone wrote in pen what appears to say, “Compliments of the Epworth League 1934” – the Epworth League being a Methodist association for young adults that existed under that name from 1889-1939. Grandma was Methodist, so it’s possible this was actually hers or her mother’s, or that the link between her family and the family mentioned in the postcards lies in a connection made through the church. As far as who that woman on the postcard is, it doesn’t appear to be of Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mothers’ Day, and I couldn’t find anything more about who she might be even after doing a Google Image search and trying to find the author of the poem. If you happen to know, definitely drop me a comment!!