Sepia Saturday 285: Postcards, Hotels, Buildings

Sepia Saturday 285: Postcards, Hotels, Buildings

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Another “Nailed-It” sort of entry for Sepia Saturday!  Going back to last week’s image, we have two more from the set of photos taken during grandpa Leon Kitko’s senior year of high school.  His senior class took a trip to Washington, D.C., in May of 1951.  Apparently they stayed at the Hotel Harrington, and Leon took a bunch of photos in front of the hotel as they stepped off the bus.  As you can see from the Google Street View image below, the scenery has changed a good bit – the big Hotel Harrington sign along the side of the building is gone, and the only remaining structure to let me know I had the right side of the building is that fire escape ladder.  Going back to the trusty yearbook for the 1951 class at the Beccaria-Coalport-Irvona high school, we have in the left photo above, a gal who looks to be  Cleo Grimes.  In the right photo, well I’m not entirely sure who that is.  I have a hunch that, in the class trip photo at the bottom, the center two people are teachers, possibly Marcella Papcun and Dale Troy, and we’re missing the student Martin Auberzinski.  The dress/hair match the woman in the center back row, so I’m pretty sure that’s Marcella, plus it makes sense to put two teachers who served as chaperones in the center back row.  A news story about graduation is below as is the big  group photo in front of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.  This post ended up needing a bigger room in the Sepia Saturday hotel, but it’s all for a good reason – we’ve got some extra luggage this week!  It’s a lot of data, photos, links, etc, but as usual, I hope this all helps someone else in the long run.

leon kitko BCI graduation 1951




  1. Brett Payne

    Great street photos, thanks for sharing them.

    By the way, I try to leave a comment here every week and they never appear – something to do with the verification process, I suspect. I’ll attempt leaving the Website box blank this time.

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